Cut It Kinky Client Model Agreement
I, (the “Model”), give my permission to Black Girl Curls, LLC (the “Entity”) use the photographs and video (“Material”) taken during this class (the “Event”) for the use of print and social publication by Black Girl Curls (“Work”). The “Model” and the “Entity” will henceforth be referred to at the “parties” collectively.
Event Information
Tight Curl Immersion Workshop
I grant the Entity the right to use this Material:
in any related works that may derive from the Work published by the Entity or its licensees
or worldwide distribution
in all formats and platforms in any and all media now known or hereafter developed
in all editions, for the life of those editions without restriction
in all languages
in advertisements and promotional materials for the Work.
in all marketing collateral that may be featured on, but not limited to, the Entity’s website, social media and emails
I understand that the Entity reserves the right to edit the Material before publishing for things such as, but not limited to, lighting, shadows, background and obscure objects. I understand that after the Material has been published, I will not be able to recall the Material for any reason.
I understand that I may or may not be credited for my appearance in the Work and any related works that may derive from the Work published by the Entity or its licensees.
Copyright & Compensation
I understand that the Entity shall own any copyright and all other intellectual property rights to the Material. I waive any demand for compensation past what is agreed upon in this contract and waive any claim to any moral rights or any violation of rights to privacy, publicity or confidentiality under any statute or common law in connection with any use of the Material.
I understand that I will not be receiving any royalties from sales of the Work or any related works that derive from the Work.
I understand that I will not be receiving compensation for my time and in exchange will not be charged for the services I am receiving.
Verify & Release
I verify that (I) I am not a party to any contract or arrangement which would conflict with my permission herein.
I release the Entity from any claims that may arise regarding the use of the Material including any claims of defamation, invasion of privacy, or infringement of moral rights, rights of publicity or copyright. I acknowledge that I have no ownership rights to the Work. The Entity is not obligated to utilize the rights granted in this Agreement. I have read and understand this agreement and I am over the age of 18. This Agreement expresses the complete understanding of the parties.
Please indicate your agreement by checking the box below. By checking, “I agree to the terms listed above”, you warrant you have no claim on ground of breach of confidence or on any ground in any legal system against the Entity in respect of the publication of the Material from, you. In checking, you verify that you have read and acknowledged all terms and conditions of this release form.